Our Team

Core Values


We have one central goal: deliver best-in-class software and services to enable our clients to solve the biggest, most complex marketing data challenges.


We stand up for what we believe in, do what needs to be done, are adept at problem-solving, and ask for help when needed.


We foster a culture of trust, internally and externally, by relying on employees with a strong moral code and sense of personal responsibility.


We have a thirst for knowledge and are never afraid to ask tough questions. We try new things to drive new innovations in order to progress ourselves personally and professionally.

Leadership Team Members

Daniel Jaye

Founder, CEO

Marc Sabatini

Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer

Pat McNair

Chief Financial Officer

Scott Sprunger

Chief Solutions Architect

Jeff Storan

SVP, Product

Tom Burg

SVP, Marketing

Mark Sneathen

SVP, Sales

Narayanan R

VP, Engineering

Joshua Brandt-Rauf

VP, Client Success

Tom Winchell

VP, Sales

Michael Keohane

VP, Client Engineering

Sandro Camarao

VP, Partner and CX Engineering

Working at Aqfer

Our global workforce is a diverse group of individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and skills all coming together for one important goal: to help our clients and their customers overcome today’s most pressing data-related marketing and advertising challenges. We’re dedicated to understanding the constantly changing needs of our clients, and together we work to provide them with the solutions and services needed for them to thrive in today’s digital world.

Our core values are at the heart of everything we do at Aqfer and we’ve built an inclusive culture where our employees are able to grow personally and professionally. We of course value hard work, but we also believe strongly in a healthy work/life balance which is reflected in our remote-first work environment and flexible paid time off. Even though we may not always be together, building connections and strengthening our company culture are always top priorities, and weekly video gatherings and quarterly in-person events ensure we do just that.

Our Thoughts

4 Ways to Prioritize Privacy in a Cookieless Future

4 Ways to Prioritize Privacy in a Cookieless Future

User privacy is a key catalyst of the cookiepocalypse, and MadTech companies need to be prepared to put privacy at the forefront of their operations. To thrive in this new normal, companies must adapt their strategies, technologies, and mindsets to prioritize user privacy while still delivering personalized, engaging experiences to their customers.

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Ensuring Data Privacy in the Digital Age: Best Practices for CTOs

Ensuring Data Privacy in the Digital Age: Best Practices for CTOs

As Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), it’s our responsibility to ensure that our companies prioritize data privacy and implement robust strategies to protect our customers’ personal information. In this blog post, we’ll explore some best practices for CTOs to navigate the complexities of data privacy and build trust with their customers.

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A Data Infrastructure Buyer’s Guide for a Complex MadTech Landscape

A Data Infrastructure Buyer’s Guide for a Complex MadTech Landscape

Between increased consumer demands for personalization, confusing data privacy regulations, changes to third-party cookie policies, and a technology landscape evolving at warp speeds, it can be difficult for MadTech companies to keep up. Developing the right data infrastructure to lay the foundation for your marketing and advertising tech solutions has never been more important.

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Tagging Beyond the Website: Apps, CTV, and More

Tagging Beyond the Website: Apps, CTV, and More

While website tagging remains crucial, businesses must expand their tagging strategies to encompass mobile apps, connected TV (CTV), and other emerging channels. By doing so, companies can gain a more comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior and make data-driven decisions that drive growth and profitability.

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